
責任礦産管理 Responsible mineral management

  • 分(fēn)類:公司新聞
  • 作者:科信技術
  • 來源:科信技術
  • 發布時間:2024-01-17 08:56
  • 訪問量:

責任礦産管理 Responsible mineral management


科信承諾并緻力于以負責任的方式采購産品中(zhōng)使用的錫、钽、鎢、金、钴,雲母等礦産原料,将責任礦産作爲采購CSR管理體系的組成部分(fēn),融入供應商(shāng)認證和監督審核。作爲礦産供應鏈下(xià)遊企業,科信不直接采購礦産,且與采礦相隔 7 層或更多層關系。科信要求供應商(shāng)不采購沖突礦産,确保産品不直接或間接資助武裝沖突或其他非人道行爲。通過責任礦産倡議(RMI)和責任钴倡議(RCI)行業組織,科信積極參與全球行業合作,與供應鏈上下(xià)遊企業合作開展供應鏈調查,識别冶煉廠清單,推動冶煉廠申請和維持責任礦産保證流程(RMAP)合規認證。

科信參照OECD責任礦産供應鏈盡責管理指南(nán),建立了基于風險的責任礦産管理體系,每年識别涉及錫、钽、鎢、金(3TG)及钴,雲母等 5 種責任礦産的供應商(shāng),采用沖突礦産報告模闆(CMRT)/钴報告模闆(CRT)責任礦産問卷,要求供應商(shāng)逐級調查識别冶煉廠,要求冶煉廠不得采購來自受沖突影響和高風險地區(CAHRA)的礦産,必要時要求尚未通過RMAP認證的冶煉廠限期通過認證。

Efore-Kexin is committed to responsibly sourcing mineral raw materials such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt and mica used in its products, and integrating responsible minerals into supplier certification and monitoring as part of its procurement CSR management system. As a downstream company in the mineral supply chain, Kosen does not directly purchase minerals and is separated from mining by 7 or more layers of relationships. We require our suppliers not to source conflict minerals and ensure that products do not directly or indirectly fund armed conflict or other inhumane practices. Through the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and the Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI) industry bodies, we are actively engaged in global industry cooperation, working with upstream and downstream companies in the supply chain to conduct supply chain surveys, identify smelter lists, and promote smelters to apply for and maintain the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) compliance certification.

With reference to the OECD Guidelines for Responsible mineral supply chain due care Management, Keisen has established a risk-based responsible mineral management system. It annually identifies suppliers of five responsible minerals, including tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (3TG), cobalt and mica, and adopts the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)/Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) responsible mineral questionnaire. Require suppliers to identify smelters on a step-by-step basis, require smelters not to procure minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRA), and, where necessary, require smelters that have not yet achieved RMAP certification to do so within a time limit.

  • 分(fēn)類:公司新聞
  • 作者:科信技術
  • 來源:科信技術
  • 發布時間:2024-01-17 08:56
  • 訪問量:

科信承諾并緻力于以負責任的方式采購産品中(zhōng)使用的錫、钽、鎢、金、钴,雲母等礦産原料,将責任礦産作爲采購CSR管理體系的組成部分(fēn),融入供應商(shāng)認證和監督審核。作爲礦産供應鏈下(xià)遊企業,科信不直接采購礦産,且與采礦相隔 7 層或更多層關系。科信要求供應商(shāng)不采購沖突礦産,确保産品不直接或間接資助武裝沖突或其他非人道行爲。通過責任礦産倡議(RMI)和責任钴倡議(RCI)行業組織,科信積極參與全球行業合作,與供應鏈上下(xià)遊企業合作開展供應鏈調查,識别冶煉廠清單,推動冶煉廠申請和維持責任礦産保證流程(RMAP)合規認證。

科信參照OECD責任礦産供應鏈盡責管理指南(nán),建立了基于風險的責任礦産管理體系,每年識别涉及錫、钽、鎢、金(3TG)及钴,雲母等 5 種責任礦産的供應商(shāng),采用沖突礦産報告模闆(CMRT)/钴報告模闆(CRT)責任礦産問卷,要求供應商(shāng)逐級調查識别冶煉廠,要求冶煉廠不得采購來自受沖突影響和高風險地區(CAHRA)的礦産,必要時要求尚未通過RMAP認證的冶煉廠限期通過認證。

Efore-Kexin is committed to responsibly sourcing mineral raw materials such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt and mica used in its products, and integrating responsible minerals into supplier certification and monitoring as part of its procurement CSR management system. As a downstream company in the mineral supply chain, Kosen does not directly purchase minerals and is separated from mining by 7 or more layers of relationships. We require our suppliers not to source conflict minerals and ensure that products do not directly or indirectly fund armed conflict or other inhumane practices. Through the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and the Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI) industry bodies, we are actively engaged in global industry cooperation, working with upstream and downstream companies in the supply chain to conduct supply chain surveys, identify smelter lists, and promote smelters to apply for and maintain the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) compliance certification.

With reference to the OECD Guidelines for Responsible mineral supply chain due care Management, Keisen has established a risk-based responsible mineral management system. It annually identifies suppliers of five responsible minerals, including tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold (3TG), cobalt and mica, and adopts the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)/Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) responsible mineral questionnaire. Require suppliers to identify smelters on a step-by-step basis, require smelters not to procure minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRA), and, where necessary, require smelters that have not yet achieved RMAP certification to do so within a time limit.
